Turkish Coffee 土耳其咖啡
Turkish Coffee 土耳其咖啡

Turkish Coffee 土耳其咖啡

Türkiye sand-made coffee ☕️🇹🇷

在土耳其傳統文化裡,為客人親手煮一杯土耳其咖啡是非常崇高的事情。 土耳其人有一句諺語,說道:「喝你的一杯土耳其咖啡,情誼永記四十年。」土耳其咖啡,情牽著重要的友誼、愛情與親情,它不僅是一杯單純的咖啡,也是一種生活方式,而且代表著人與人之間的情懷。

In traditional Turkish culture, making a cup of Turkish coffee for guests is a very noble affairs. One Turkish proverb says: "Drink one cup of your Turkish coffee which makes our friendship last forty years." Turkish coffee is associated with important friendship, loveship and family affection. It is not only a cup of an ordinary coffee, but also a way of lifestyle that represents the feelings between people.

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